Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The garden & the hound

The growing garden, another view. Posted by Hello

The garden grows Posted by Hello The garden, begun in June when the plantings were just buds is growing and growing and growing. Lots of leafy plants, but few vegetables...yet! There will be vegetables, and I'm watching now daily for the plants that grew, produced flowering buds to now transform the buds to vegetables. Ah, the chance to examine how faith works, when not being scientific about the process of gardening, it boils down to trusting, following obediently the seasons' and natures' cues, and acting, in faith, that if you act (plant, nurture, water, protect, fertilize) the garden will grow.

The Rock Garden, planted just this year is doing well. And there is our special dog, TurnerJake. He's our real wiggle-butt Australian Shepherd and a joy to us. Posted by Hello
by Lietta Ruger
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